Liebster Award.


Wow. The lovely Caitlin Stern Writes has nominated me for the Liebster Award!! I am extremely excited, so thank you very much Caitlin! :)

For those of you who don’t know The Liebster Award is for bloggers with less than 200 followers. Which I believe I am up to 24 and that I am pretty proud of. :) Every one counts. Alrighty everybody these are the Rules:

•Thank and link to the person who nominated you
•Share eleven facts about yourself with your fellow bloggers.
•Answer the awarder’s eleven questions.
•Ask eleven questions of your own.
•Nominate eleven bloggers for this award.

11 Facts about Me

1. Reading is an obsession that I don’t think I could live without. It can get you out of any slump you may have.

2. Baseball is my all-time favorite sport and I have absolutely NO CLUE how some could find it boring.

3. I have a constant battle between my love for Dr. Pepper and my want to quit soda. Currently I am trying yet again to quit, so I am loving this Caffeine Headache.

4. Top 3 Places I would love to travel to are Australia, England, and Russia.

5. Spicy Foods are my favorite, I love the feeling of your mouth being on Fire.

6. In books I tend to root for the underdog, so my favorite couples rarely end up together.

7. I believe that Rain Storms are the best kind of Weather.

8. My Favorite Movie is Titanic, and probably always will be.

9. I love to read Series so that the story can go on as long as possible. I find that single books end way too soon and I want to know what happens next.

10. I’m a big believer in Fate and that everything happens for a Reason.

11. And last but not least is that 11 is actually my favorite number. :)

My Awarder’s Questions

1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

My blog lets me post my favorite quotes from my favorite books. Books change my life and this my way of spreading my love for reading.

2. What is one event from your life that describes perfectly a major personality trait of yours? (Stubbornness, patience, etc.)

One of my favorite TV Shows is Seinfeld, I could watch it all day and night and never get bored. I love to laugh, when you’re laughing you can’t help being happy. (Not sure if this answers the question but I tried)

3. What books do you re-read every year? (Or just a book you’ve re-read.)

Harry Potter. Plain and Simple. :) My Friend and I have made it a goal to try and reread them all every Summer. They are just that good.

4. What (real, non-extinct) animal is your idea of a perfect pet?

The Perfect Pet would be a Fish, they aren’t messy!

5. What will make you pick up a book and consider reading it? (Topic, author, title, etc.)

Lots of things draw me to a book: Covers, Authors, Titles, or Descriptions. Probably more Topic than anything else, lately the Dystopian Genre’s have been my favorite.

6. What made you decide to start blogging?

Blogging is my way of sharing some of my favorite things with the world. Maybe my love for books will spread to those reading my blog.

7. If you had to give up one piece of technology, what would you pick?

As of lately, it would be my iPod. Music just hasn’t been doing it for me lately.

8. What is/are your favorite word(s)?

Serendipity and Epiphany

9. If you could talk with something that can’t usually speak (animal, vegetable, mineral) what would you pick?

An Airplane, they see so much of the world. You would have a lot to talk about.

10. What one book would you recommend that everyone read?


11. If you could live in any literary world, which one would you pick?

I think I have to go with Harry Potter. It’s just incredible. That’s the only word I can think of to describe it. That and of course Magical.

My Questions

1. The Standard: If you had to pick one book to take to a Deserted Island with you what would you take?

2. Favorite Actor/Actress that you will watch in anything?

3. Early Bird or Night Owl?

4. What made you start blogging?

5. If you could meet anyone you wanted, who would it be?

6. Favorite Author?

7. If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?

8. What one invention do you wish never was made?

9. What is your favorite type of Weather?

10. Who is your favorite fictional character?

11. What Book Should Everyone Read?

My Nominees
1. Escape to New Worlds
2. Lose Time Reading
3. A Storm Of Words
4. Book Whirlwind
5. The Paige Turner
6. Escaping with Books
7. Loaded Shelves
8. Beauty and The Bookshelf
9. Divergent Gryffindor
10. Confessions of a Book Addict
11.Don’t Take My Books Away

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